Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Melissa Smith ~ Camouflage Ideas

1) Hidden emotions: ex: a tessellation between Edvard Munch's "The Cry," to represent extreme upsetting feelings; and a baby, to represent one at a more peaceful state.

2) Hidden Identity: ex: a secret agent who is hiding behind his own double life, possibly to be done using a square tessellation.

3) Hiding one's face: ex: people attending a masquerade are encouraged to hide there faces, however when one hides their face from view, it is impossible to tell what they are truly feeling.

4) Hiding behind lies: ex: somehow in this scenario I would incorporate Pinocchio, as he something like a symbol for lack of truth.

5) Hiding in ignorance: ex: to illustrate this, I would use the image of an ostrich hiding its head in the sand, thus avoiding the world around it.

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