Tuesday, January 27, 2009

John Cardone - Camo Concepts

  1. Graffiti: For the avid graffiti artist who really doesn't want to get caught, a convincing blend of wall-and-graffiti garb would enable him to hide in his work. Cops don't care about existing graffiti, they care about the artist putting it up.
  2. Sorority Girls: For college freshmen girls who really want to fit in, an outfit completely patterned in UGG and North Face logos. Conformity without the cost.
  3. Bookshelves: Since no teenagers really feel comfortable in libraries anymore - the internet is so much easier - kids should try wearing bookshelf-patterned clothes so that the librarian's won't notice them or tell them to shush! Also convenient for bums in big city libraries.
  4. Pajamas: For those that really like their sleep, this set of pajamas, complete with hood, would match the sleeper's pillow and bedspread exactly so that when mother comes to wake the sleeper up he goes unnoticed.
  5. Athletic field: Great for playing defense, this athletic uniform would blend in perfectly with one's peripheral view of grass, sidelines, goalposts, parents, player, bleachers, and sky.
  6. Medical Conditions: Although most people with psychological or medical conditions battle through them and continue life as normal, we all know what it is like to hide behind a condition. If one is going to use medical acronyms as an excuse for behavior, why not wear it on your sleeve? ADD, ADHD, OCD, Major Depressive Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, General Anxiety Disorder, Gender Identity Disorder, Claustrophobia, Cleptomania,

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