Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Camouflage Concepts- Hollis Daniels

1.  Identity/ Spirit in Music-- Jimi Hendrix's face in pattern. I would split up face into different sections and use secondary and primary colors to make a pattern. I would use bright swirling colors and make the piece eye- catching , and expressing the life and vibrant spirit behind music, a good type of camouflage. 

2. Emotions-  Same emotion in different colors to show how color affects mood. 

3.  Camouflage in social settings- Have pattern of people wearing paper bags over their faces to show how people hide in themselves, and are afraid to stand out and be themselves. 

4. Mixed Emotions-  Have various emotions in different colors in a pattern to show variety of emotions mixed with corresponding color. 

5. Sadness- Pattern of sad faces in happy setting with rather upbeat bright colors to show how people can sometimes be sad when everything around them seems to be cheerful. 

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