Friday, January 30, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Melissa Smith ~ Camouflage Ideas
1) Hidden emotions: ex: a tessellation between Edvard Munch's "The Cry," to represent extreme upsetting feelings; and a baby, to represent one at a more peaceful state.
2) Hidden Identity: ex: a secret agent who is hiding behind his own double life, possibly to be done using a square tessellation.
3) Hiding one's face: ex: people attending a masquerade are encouraged to hide there faces, however when one hides their face from view, it is impossible to tell what they are truly feeling.
4) Hiding behind lies: ex: somehow in this scenario I would incorporate Pinocchio, as he something like a symbol for lack of truth.
5) Hiding in ignorance: ex: to illustrate this, I would use the image of an ostrich hiding its head in the sand, thus avoiding the world around it.
2) Hidden Identity: ex: a secret agent who is hiding behind his own double life, possibly to be done using a square tessellation.
3) Hiding one's face: ex: people attending a masquerade are encouraged to hide there faces, however when one hides their face from view, it is impossible to tell what they are truly feeling.
4) Hiding behind lies: ex: somehow in this scenario I would incorporate Pinocchio, as he something like a symbol for lack of truth.
5) Hiding in ignorance: ex: to illustrate this, I would use the image of an ostrich hiding its head in the sand, thus avoiding the world around it.
Lucas Taccardi Camouflage Ideas
1. Vending Machine - Hiding behind unhealthy food; insecure perhaps
2. Building - trying to blend in with architecture
3. Cameras - attempting to get away from cameras. Focuses on celebrities in general.
4. Forest/Nature - hiding in a serene environment. Getting away from the stresses of regular life.
5. Puzzle pieces - Hiding in a million different pieces. Not allowing people to see who one truely is.
2. Building - trying to blend in with architecture
3. Cameras - attempting to get away from cameras. Focuses on celebrities in general.
4. Forest/Nature - hiding in a serene environment. Getting away from the stresses of regular life.
5. Puzzle pieces - Hiding in a million different pieces. Not allowing people to see who one truely is.
Camouflage Ideas- Alyssa Buono
1- Club Camouflage- To avoid the "creeper" at a party (random neon light spots contrasted by dark colors)
2- Stains- Spilt something on your shirt, don't worry about it (tons of different colors and values)
3- Dining Hall Camouflage- for when you resort to sitting alone, and/or dont want to be seen (patterns of cereal, salad, or some other food)
4- Diary/Journal Camouflage (bookcover)- You don't want anyone else to read it, so use camouflage to help
5- A non-Syracuse University Student Camouflage- Probably lots of Orange, and ... snowboots.
6- Lecture Room Camouflage- So your professor doesn't catch you sleeping during a boring lecture. (incorporate lecture chairs into design)
Cristina Castro

1)Ballpit - kids loves playing in ballpits and wish they could stay there forever but their parents always find them. If they wore camouflage that looks just like the balls they were hiding in, their parents would never find them.
2)Road Scenery - Camouflage to print on cars so that when caught speeding, the car can escape cops by blending into the background of other cars, road scenes, and pavement.
3)Favorite food - If you have your favorite food in the refrigerator, chances are our family will beat you to it. You delicious favorite food will be devoured and you will never even get a taste. This camouflage can be printed on a Tupperware to protect your food. The print will make it look like boring food and something that just blends into the rest on the food in the refrigerator.
4)Amusment Park - everyone hates standing in line, and if you cut in line in front of others at the amusement park, you are likely to be yelled at or thrown out. Amusement park camouflage would make you invisible and no one would notice that you just walked to the front of the line.
5)Waiting Rooms - waiting rooms are always awkward, people basically sit there and stare at each other. If you were wearing waiting room camouflage, you could easily blend in with the old magazines, fake plants, and 80's printed couches.
6)mermaid camouflage - People can never find mermaids because we scare them away. If people were wearing camouflage to blend in with the ocean and other mermaids, we could approach them easier without them running away
7)microchip - Where could a computer virus hide is computer viruses were tangible? on a microchip while wearing camouflage that blends right in with the rest of the microchips.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Jean Del Moral - Camouflage
- Elevator Wall/Button Camo - Because no one likes awkward elevator rides.
- Instant Friend - Attachable Dummy/Friend, so you will look like you always have company.
- Dream bod (Muscles/Tone) - Make people think you have that perfect body everyone wants, but no one has.
- The grungy, dirty, but talented, art student (male)* - Complete with flannel, washed out jeans and busted shoes. *Actual trendiness may vary
- Bathroom Tile Camo - Avoid those awkward run-ins with your floormates in the bathroom.
Kristin Phillips: Color FLOR & Camouflage Concepts

1. Sparrows in branches: I noticed that sparrows like to perch in the tangled vines of ivy on the side of Hendrick's Chapel. Because their feathers are tan and flecked, they almost completely blend into the building, until you look closely for movement.
2. Octopus: An octopus can change its texture, color, and shape within seconds to match its environment.
3.Heffalumps and Woozles: I remembered an old Winnie the Pooh music sequence that I used to really like watching when I was younger. The "heffalumps" and "woozles" are supposed to be scary because they can become any shape, size, color, texture, etc. to steal Pooh's hunny. The animation was always colorful and fun to watch. This idea would work well as a tesselation.
4.Water Droplets: When snow melts on the window, it leaves thousands of tiny water droplets that could create a really nice pattern/tesselation. Also, a lot of times, there are hidden shapes/designs within the large area of droplets.
5. Many animals: I could create a black and white forest where the positive and negative forms of black and white also suggest animals hiding in the woods.
Sarah Schnurr-Camouflage
1. Beekeeper Camo: A print to disguise beekeepers in their quest to obtain honey, to eliminate the need for sting-proof outwear.
2. Hobo Camo: A print designed to protect the homeless from scrutiny and arrest by camouflaging them amongst the trash. Also great for dumpster-divers!
3. Virus Camo: To help computer viruses worm their way through precious Macbooks and PCs everywhere.
4. Kidflage: Camo to protect the growing self-esteem of American youngsters from embarrassment such as: pants-wetting, bed-wetting, a serious case of cooties, or a secret crush!
5. "This Dress Doesn't Have Any Pockets" Camo: If your outfit doesn't have room for your cellphone, it probably doesn't have room for your personality.
2. Hobo Camo: A print designed to protect the homeless from scrutiny and arrest by camouflaging them amongst the trash. Also great for dumpster-divers!
3. Virus Camo: To help computer viruses worm their way through precious Macbooks and PCs everywhere.
4. Kidflage: Camo to protect the growing self-esteem of American youngsters from embarrassment such as: pants-wetting, bed-wetting, a serious case of cooties, or a secret crush!
5. "This Dress Doesn't Have Any Pockets" Camo: If your outfit doesn't have room for your cellphone, it probably doesn't have room for your personality.
John Cardone - Camo Concepts
- Graffiti: For the avid graffiti artist who really doesn't want to get caught, a convincing blend of wall-and-graffiti garb would enable him to hide in his work. Cops don't care about existing graffiti, they care about the artist putting it up.
- Sorority Girls: For college freshmen girls who really want to fit in, an outfit completely patterned in UGG and North Face logos. Conformity without the cost.
- Bookshelves: Since no teenagers really feel comfortable in libraries anymore - the internet is so much easier - kids should try wearing bookshelf-patterned clothes so that the librarian's won't notice them or tell them to shush! Also convenient for bums in big city libraries.
- Pajamas: For those that really like their sleep, this set of pajamas, complete with hood, would match the sleeper's pillow and bedspread exactly so that when mother comes to wake the sleeper up he goes unnoticed.
- Athletic field: Great for playing defense, this athletic uniform would blend in perfectly with one's peripheral view of grass, sidelines, goalposts, parents, player, bleachers, and sky.
- Medical Conditions: Although most people with psychological or medical conditions battle through them and continue life as normal, we all know what it is like to hide behind a condition. If one is going to use medical acronyms as an excuse for behavior, why not wear it on your sleeve? ADD, ADHD, OCD, Major Depressive Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, General Anxiety Disorder, Gender Identity Disorder, Claustrophobia, Cleptomania,
Elizabeth Congdon- Camouflage ideas
1.Jehovah’s witness- A religion that is very closed to the outside world. Non-Jehovah’s have no clue what goes on behind their closed doors.
2. Makeup- Pile up the foundation and mascara but will that actually make one more beautiful?
3. Hiding behind technology- Technology, while claiming to help connect people, more often cuts us off from out immediate physical environment. Headphones are a sign of ‘I am not interested in talking to you’.
4. Underwear vs. Thongs- If all your friends wear thongs but you simply think they are uncomfortable, they think you’re a prude. One wears a thong because their boyfriend likes it, but does it make them feel good about themselves?
5. 1950’s housewife- Women were expected to be a typical good wife and mother. Vacuum cleaners, aprons and cooking utensils define the way that we think of women from that decade.
2. Makeup- Pile up the foundation and mascara but will that actually make one more beautiful?
3. Hiding behind technology- Technology, while claiming to help connect people, more often cuts us off from out immediate physical environment. Headphones are a sign of ‘I am not interested in talking to you’.
4. Underwear vs. Thongs- If all your friends wear thongs but you simply think they are uncomfortable, they think you’re a prude. One wears a thong because their boyfriend likes it, but does it make them feel good about themselves?
5. 1950’s housewife- Women were expected to be a typical good wife and mother. Vacuum cleaners, aprons and cooking utensils define the way that we think of women from that decade.
Sofia Mejias Camo Concepts
1. Puzzle Pieces. Created for the avid puzzle solver who enjoys getting lost in their work
2. Stuffed animals. So that little kids may fit into their favorite background. creates a great advantage for a intense game of hide and seek
3. Polaroids. Cause polaroids are awesome and you get the sweetest pictures out of them. If u were to stand against a wall of other polaroids you would get lost in a world of memories. so sweet!
4. TVs, Radios, Ipods, remote controls, video game controlers, and computers. Because every generation is getting more and more sucked into the age of technology and its creating zombies out of us. we all will soon look the same and act the same. we'll all become the camo we wear.
5. Jewelry. Because girls love their sparkle.
6. Grades. Since being at Syracuse all i seem to worry about are my grades. I feel like im becoming them. Camo with different letter grades would be something i would currently be wearing if i owned some.
Camouflage Concepts- Hollis Daniels
1. Identity/ Spirit in Music-- Jimi Hendrix's face in pattern. I would split up face into different sections and use secondary and primary colors to make a pattern. I would use bright swirling colors and make the piece eye- catching , and expressing the life and vibrant spirit behind music, a good type of camouflage.
2. Emotions- Same emotion in different colors to show how color affects mood.
3. Camouflage in social settings- Have pattern of people wearing paper bags over their faces to show how people hide in themselves, and are afraid to stand out and be themselves.
4. Mixed Emotions- Have various emotions in different colors in a pattern to show variety of emotions mixed with corresponding color.
5. Sadness- Pattern of sad faces in happy setting with rather upbeat bright colors to show how people can sometimes be sad when everything around them seems to be cheerful.
Camouflage concepts
Concept 1:
Every Asian needs an Asian.
Idea: a group of cartoon Asian faces.
Purpose: to keep an antisocial Asian person company and make them feel right at home, because they sometimes hide behind their culture, background and ethnicity as a defense mechanism.
Used as a t-shirt to hide from prey- other ethnicities.
Concept 2:
Similar to previous idea; that people hind behind their sterio type, place of origin, ethnicity.
This one will be a group of different sizes faces of different colors. Colours; Blue, black, red, orange, white and yellow.
Concept 3:
When trying to differentiate themselves people often end up joining the mainstream, because try to be different for the sake of being different is common now.
This design will consist of very cool looking abstract shapes or swirls. Form could be a modern version of army camouflage that is more abstract and streamlined or could be a group of intertwining circles.
Concept 4:
The idea that people try to hide behind technology and the latest gadgets. The form needs to be thought out. But should be an icon of technology such as the ipod.
Concept 5:
People often use their status to make up other peoples notion of themselves often erasing who they really are. Form could be brooms and money to show the juxtaposition of the different class groups.
Concept 6:
Relationships are also used as a defence and coping mechanism till the persons individual personality is erased and people just see the person as one half of a couple. Form: holding hands.
Concept 7:
The use of intelligence as a weapon, which again erases the individuality of a person and places them behind a label. Bimbo, dumbass, geek and nerd. Form: outline of a brain.
Concept 8: Music is often used as a class or form of categorizing people and erasing their identity. The rocker is angry, the dj is a party animal, the classical music lovers are often old or refined, R&B and hip-hop is sometimes associated with black people.
Every Asian needs an Asian.
Idea: a group of cartoon Asian faces.
Purpose: to keep an antisocial Asian person company and make them feel right at home, because they sometimes hide behind their culture, background and ethnicity as a defense mechanism.
Used as a t-shirt to hide from prey- other ethnicities.
Concept 2:
Similar to previous idea; that people hind behind their sterio type, place of origin, ethnicity.
This one will be a group of different sizes faces of different colors. Colours; Blue, black, red, orange, white and yellow.
Concept 3:
When trying to differentiate themselves people often end up joining the mainstream, because try to be different for the sake of being different is common now.
This design will consist of very cool looking abstract shapes or swirls. Form could be a modern version of army camouflage that is more abstract and streamlined or could be a group of intertwining circles.
Concept 4:
The idea that people try to hide behind technology and the latest gadgets. The form needs to be thought out. But should be an icon of technology such as the ipod.
Concept 5:
People often use their status to make up other peoples notion of themselves often erasing who they really are. Form could be brooms and money to show the juxtaposition of the different class groups.
Concept 6:
Relationships are also used as a defence and coping mechanism till the persons individual personality is erased and people just see the person as one half of a couple. Form: holding hands.
Concept 7:
The use of intelligence as a weapon, which again erases the individuality of a person and places them behind a label. Bimbo, dumbass, geek and nerd. Form: outline of a brain.
Concept 8: Music is often used as a class or form of categorizing people and erasing their identity. The rocker is angry, the dj is a party animal, the classical music lovers are often old or refined, R&B and hip-hop is sometimes associated with black people.
Kerff Petit-Fere: Camouflage ideas
1. wheels. Showing a pattern of the changing and evolution of wheels by setting up several wheels of different forms. Use of 1 color separate line color for wheel art.
2.Evolution. Patterns with apes to human beings both in a corporate to savage environment.
3.Afro focus. The true identity of the "Afro" in america, it's associations and it origins from controversy to popular culture.
4. Bondage. The several different forms of bondage from physical to mental imprisonment.
5. Elements of Hip-Hop. Image focuses on Hip-Hop and its origins.
2.Evolution. Patterns with apes to human beings both in a corporate to savage environment.
3.Afro focus. The true identity of the "Afro" in america, it's associations and it origins from controversy to popular culture.
4. Bondage. The several different forms of bondage from physical to mental imprisonment.
5. Elements of Hip-Hop. Image focuses on Hip-Hop and its origins.
Amabel Caba-Camouflage Ideas
1- Sleeping in Class- I think that for those of us who find it hard to stay awake in class a camouflage of this sort could come of some use. I was thinking of playing with the idea of hiding behind books but that might be to literal of an approach.
2-Polar Bears Adapting- Polar Bears are white because of their surroundings they sort of use camouflage but since ice is quickly melting, the surroundings Polar Bears will be acquainting them selves with will be much more blue. So I was thinking making a pattern of Polar Bears trying to adapt to the blue water.
3- Tattoos hide our Identities- I was thinking of what my mom would tell me when she said I couldn't have a tattoo- the people who do, don't know who they are. Tattoos can be used as a form of intimidation to others who don't know or understand the person who bears them.
4- Sneaker Brand Nike- Back home all of my friends associate themselves with Nikes, they feel fit they're personality and they brand themselves to the company in a sense. After a while I feel like all they're feet blend with the rest of the crowd(school), all who wear Nikes as well.
5- False Smiles- Often people hide their sadness with empty smiles, and some hide it so well many of us believe them. They may feel the need to put one so that they don't cause any burdens. I thought it would be interesting to find out the differences between false smiles and true ones.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Saturday, January 17, 2009
FLOR Value design

For the value design I decided to try to make it appear as if the white carpet in the middle was permeating though the darker base carpets. However, when printing/saving the final composition to my computer, many of the white tones that I used (such as Flats & Cord~ Vanilla) became completely washed out. The reason why they've shown up in here is because I've taken a screen shot of the website page.
~Melissa Smith
Friday, January 16, 2009
Flor Designs
Hello All,
Please remember to post your Flor pictures here before class next Wednesday. Please make sure to type your name out either in the title or in the post itself.
Also make sure to print a copy out and bring it to class.
Please remember to post your Flor pictures here before class next Wednesday. Please make sure to type your name out either in the title or in the post itself.
Also make sure to print a copy out and bring it to class.
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